
DistilBERT is a small, fast, cheap and light Transformer model based on the BERT architecture. Knowledge distillation is performed during the pre-training phase to reduce the size of a BERT model by 40%. To leverage the inductive biases learned by larger models during pre-training, the authors introduce a triple loss combining language modeling, distillation and cosine-distance losses.

Source: DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Text Classification 18 7.47%
Sentiment Analysis 18 7.47%
Language Modelling 17 7.05%
Classification 16 6.64%
Question Answering 12 4.98%
Sentence 9 3.73%
Quantization 7 2.90%
Natural Language Understanding 6 2.49%
Model Compression 6 2.49%


Component Type
Language Models
