Image Model Blocks

Squeeze-and-Excitation Block

Introduced by Hu et al. in Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks

The Squeeze-and-Excitation Block is an architectural unit designed to improve the representational power of a network by enabling it to perform dynamic channel-wise feature recalibration. The process is:

  • The block has a convolutional block as an input.
  • Each channel is "squeezed" into a single numeric value using average pooling.
  • A dense layer followed by a ReLU adds non-linearity and output channel complexity is reduced by a ratio.
  • Another dense layer followed by a sigmoid gives each channel a smooth gating function.
  • Finally, we weight each feature map of the convolutional block based on the side network; the "excitation".
Source: Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Image Classification 105 13.69%
Object Detection 48 6.26%
Semantic Segmentation 38 4.95%
Classification 37 4.82%
General Classification 29 3.78%
Instance Segmentation 17 2.22%
Decoder 16 2.09%
Quantization 13 1.69%
Multi-Task Learning 10 1.30%
