An Evolutionary Approach to Dynamic Introduction of Tasks in Large-scale Multitask Learning Systems

25 May 2022  ยท  Andrea Gesmundo, Jeff Dean ยท

Multitask learning assumes that models capable of learning from multiple tasks can achieve better quality and efficiency via knowledge transfer, a key feature of human learning. Though, state of the art ML models rely on high customization for each task and leverage size and data scale rather than scaling the number of tasks. Also, continual learning, that adds the temporal aspect to multitask, is often focused to the study of common pitfalls such as catastrophic forgetting instead of being studied at a large scale as a critical component to build the next generation artificial intelligence.We propose an evolutionary method capable of generating large scale multitask models that support the dynamic addition of new tasks. The generated multitask models are sparsely activated and integrates a task-based routing that guarantees bounded compute cost and fewer added parameters per task as the model expands.The proposed method relies on a knowledge compartmentalization technique to achieve immunity against catastrophic forgetting and other common pitfalls such as gradient interference and negative transfer. We demonstrate empirically that the proposed method can jointly solve and achieve competitive results on 69public image classification tasks, for example improving the state of the art on a competitive benchmark such as cifar10 by achieving a 15% relative error reduction compared to the best model trained on public data.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Fine-Grained Image Classification Caltech-101 ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Top-1 Error Rate 7% # 8
Image Classification CIFAR-10 ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Percentage correct 99.49 # 3
Image Classification CIFAR-100 ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Percentage correct 94.95 # 3
Image Classification DTD ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy 81.0 # 5
Image Classification EMNIST-Digits ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy (%) 99.82 # 1
Image Classification EuroSAT ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy (%) 99.2 # 3
Image Classification ImageNet ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Top 1 Accuracy 86.74% # 124
Image Classification KMNIST ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy 98.68 # 1
Image Classification MNIST ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy 99.75 # 8
Fine-Grained Image Classification Oxford 102 Flowers ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy 99.61% # 4
Fine-Grained Image Classification Oxford-IIIT Pets ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy 95.3 # 4
Fine-Grained Image Classification SUN397 ยต2Net (ViT-L/16) Accuracy 84.8 # 1


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