Efficient-VDVAE: Less is more

25 Mar 2022  ·  Louay Hazami, Rayhane Mama, Ragavan Thurairatnam ·

Hierarchical VAEs have emerged in recent years as a reliable option for maximum likelihood estimation. However, instability issues and demanding computational requirements have hindered research progress in the area. We present simple modifications to the Very Deep VAE to make it converge up to $2.6\times$ faster, save up to $20\times$ in memory load and improve stability during training. Despite these changes, our models achieve comparable or better negative log-likelihood performance than current state-of-the-art models on all $7$ commonly used image datasets we evaluated on. We also make an argument against using 5-bit benchmarks as a way to measure hierarchical VAE's performance due to undesirable biases caused by the 5-bit quantization. Additionally, we empirically demonstrate that roughly $3\%$ of the hierarchical VAE's latent space dimensions is sufficient to encode most of the image information, without loss of performance, opening up the doors to efficiently leverage the hierarchical VAEs' latent space in downstream tasks. We release our source code and models at https://github.com/Rayhane-mamah/Efficient-VDVAE .

PDF Abstract

Results from the Paper

 Ranked #1 on Image Generation on ImageNet 64x64 (Bits per dim metric)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Image Generation Binarized MNIST Efficient-VDVAE nats 79.09 # 4
Image Generation CelebA 256x256 Efficient-VDVAE bpd 0.51 # 1
bpd (8-bits) 1.35 # 1
Image Generation CelebA 64x64 Efficient-VDVAE bits/dimension 1.83 # 1
Image Generation CelebA-HQ 1024x1024 Efficient-VDVAE bits/dimension 1.01 # 1
Image Generation CIFAR-10 Efficient-VDVAE bits/dimension 2.87 # 15
Image Generation FFHQ 1024 x 1024 Efficient-VDVAE bits/dimension 2.30 # 1
Image Generation FFHQ 256 x 256 Efficient-VDVAE (DINOv2) FD 514.16 # 7
Precision 0.86 # 2
Recall 0.14 # 7
Image Generation FFHQ 256 x 256 Efficient-VDVAE FID 34.88 # 30
bits/dimension 0.53 # 1
Image Generation ImageNet 64x64 Efficient-VDVAE Bits per dim 3.30 (different downsampling) # 1
