Hungry Hungry Hippos: Towards Language Modeling with State Space Models

28 Dec 2022  ·  Daniel Y. Fu, Tri Dao, Khaled K. Saab, Armin W. Thomas, Atri Rudra, Christopher Ré ·

State space models (SSMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art sequence modeling performance in some modalities, but underperform attention in language modeling. Moreover, despite scaling nearly linearly in sequence length instead of quadratically, SSMs are still slower than Transformers due to poor hardware utilization. In this paper, we make progress on understanding the expressivity gap between SSMs and attention in language modeling, and on reducing the hardware barrier between SSMs and attention. First, we use synthetic language modeling tasks to understand the gap between SSMs and attention. We find that existing SSMs struggle with two capabilities: recalling earlier tokens in the sequence and comparing tokens across the sequence. To understand the impact on language modeling, we propose a new SSM layer, H3, that is explicitly designed for these abilities. H3 matches attention on the synthetic languages and comes within 0.4 PPL of Transformers on OpenWebText. Furthermore, a hybrid 125M-parameter H3-attention model that retains two attention layers surprisingly outperforms Transformers on OpenWebText by 1.0 PPL. Next, to improve the efficiency of training SSMs on modern hardware, we propose FlashConv. FlashConv uses a fused block FFT algorithm to improve efficiency on sequences up to 8K, and introduces a novel state passing algorithm that exploits the recurrent properties of SSMs to scale to longer sequences. FlashConv yields 2$\times$ speedup on the long-range arena benchmark and allows hybrid language models to generate text 2.4$\times$ faster than Transformers. Using FlashConv, we scale hybrid H3-attention language models up to 2.7B parameters on the Pile and find promising initial results, achieving lower perplexity than Transformers and outperforming Transformers in zero- and few-shot learning on a majority of tasks in the SuperGLUE benchmark.

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Results from the Paper

Ranked #2 on Language Modelling on The Pile (Test perplexity metric)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Question Answering BoolQ Hybrid H3 2.7B (3-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 60.6 # 52
Question Answering BoolQ Hybrid H3 125M (3-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 56.1 # 58
Question Answering BoolQ Hybrid H3 125M (0-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 59.6 # 56
Question Answering BoolQ Hybrid H3 1.3B (0-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 61.7 # 50
Question Answering BoolQ Hybrid H3 125M (3-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 56.1 # 58
Question Answering COPA Hybrid H3 2.7B (3-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 77 # 41
Question Answering COPA Hybrid H3 125M (0-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 67 # 51
Question Answering COPA Hybrid H3 2.7B (0-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 81 # 35
Question Answering COPA H3 125M (0-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 51 # 59
Question Answering COPA Hybrid H3 125M (0-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 67 # 51
Long-range modeling LRA H3 ListOps 57.5 # 13
Text 88.2 # 8
Retrieval 91.0 # 7
Image 87.3 # 9
Pathfinder 93.0 # 10
Avg 84.8 # 10
Pathfinder-X 91.8 # 10
Question Answering MultiRC Hybrid H3 125M (3-shot, logit scoring) EM 48.9 # 9
Question Answering MultiRC Hybrid H3 355M (3-shot, logit scoring) EM 59.7 # 6
Question Answering MultiRC Hybrid H3 355M (0-shot, logit scoring) EM 59.5 # 7
Question Answering MultiRC Hybrid H3 125M (0-shot, logit scoring) EM 51.4 # 8
Natural Language Inference RTE H3 125M (0-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 53.1% # 88
Natural Language Inference RTE Hybrid H3 125M (3-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 58.1% # 76
Natural Language Inference RTE H3 125M (3-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 52.3% # 89
Natural Language Inference RTE Hybrid H3 125M (3-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 58.1% # 76
Natural Language Inference RTE Hybrid H3 125M (0-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 59.2% # 73
Language Modelling The Pile Transformer 125M Test perplexity 10.7 # 4
Language Modelling The Pile Hybrid H3 125M Test perplexity 10.2 # 2
Language Modelling WikiText-103 Hybrid H3 (355M) Test perplexity 16.9 # 18
Number of params 355M # 10
Language Modelling WikiText-103 Hybrid H3 (125M) Test perplexity 23.7 # 53
Number of params 125M # 37
Language Modelling WikiText-103 Hybrid H3 (1.3B) Test perplexity 12.5 # 6
Number of params 1300M # 7
Language Modelling WikiText-103 Hybrid H3 125M Test perplexity 18.5 # 37
Language Modelling WikiText-103 Hybrid H3 (2.7B) Test perplexity 10.6 # 2
Number of params 2700M # 5
Coreference Resolution Winograd Schema Challenge Hybrid H3 125M (3-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 43.3 # 78
Coreference Resolution Winograd Schema Challenge H3 125M (3-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 63.5 # 46
Coreference Resolution Winograd Schema Challenge H3 125M (0-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 61.5 # 54
Word Sense Disambiguation Words in Context Hybrid H3 125M (0-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 51.4 # 29
Word Sense Disambiguation Words in Context Hybrid H3 125M (3-shot, logit scoring) Accuracy 49.1 # 37
Word Sense Disambiguation Words in Context Hybrid H3 125M (0-shot, rank classification) Accuracy 51.4 # 29


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