3D Molecule Generation

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Most implemented papers

Geometry-Complete Diffusion for 3D Molecule Generation and Optimization

bioinfomachinelearning/bio-diffusion 8 Feb 2023

Importantly, we demonstrate that the geometry-complete denoising process of GCDM learned for 3D molecule generation enables the model to generate a significant proportion of valid and energetically-stable large molecules at the scale of GEOM-Drugs, whereas previous methods fail to do so with the features they learn.

Equivariant Energy-Guided SDE for Inverse Molecular Design

gracezhao1997/EEGSDE 30 Sep 2022

Inverse molecular design is critical in material science and drug discovery, where the generated molecules should satisfy certain desirable properties.

Graph Generation with Diffusion Mixture

harryjo97/grum 7 Feb 2023

Generation of graphs is a major challenge for real-world tasks that require understanding the complex nature of their non-Euclidean structures.

Geometric Latent Diffusion Models for 3D Molecule Generation

minkaixu/geoldm 2 May 2023

Generative models, especially diffusion models (DMs), have achieved promising results for generating feature-rich geometries and advancing foundational science problems such as molecule design.

Learning Joint 2D & 3D Diffusion Models for Complete Molecule Generation

graph-0/jodo 21 May 2023

To capture the correlation between molecular graphs and geometries in the diffusion process, we develop a Diffusion Graph Transformer to parameterize the data prediction model that recovers the original data from noisy data.

GraphVF: Controllable Protein-Specific 3D Molecule Generation with Variational Flow

franco-solis/graphvf-code 23 Feb 2023

In particular, GraphVF represents the first controllable geometry-aware, protein-specific molecule generation method, which can generate binding 3D molecules with tailored sub-structures and physio-chemical properties.

MolDiff: Addressing the Atom-Bond Inconsistency Problem in 3D Molecule Diffusion Generation

pengxingang/moldiff 11 May 2023

Deep generative models have recently achieved superior performance in 3D molecule generation.

Learning Subpocket Prototypes for Generalizable Structure-based Drug Design

zaixizhang/flag 22 May 2023

Generating molecules with high binding affinities to target proteins (a. k. a.

3D molecule generation by denoising voxel grids

genentech/voxmol NeurIPS 2023

We propose a new score-based approach to generate 3D molecules represented as atomic densities on regular grids.

Geometric-Facilitated Denoising Diffusion Model for 3D Molecule Generation

LEOXC1571/GFMDiff 5 Jan 2024

The second challenge involves accommodating molecule generation to diffusion and accurately predicting the existence of bonds.