Artifact Detection

14 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Detection of Histological Artifacts in Whole Slide Images

Most implemented papers

FIBA: Frequency-Injection based Backdoor Attack in Medical Image Analysis

hazardfy/fiba CVPR 2022

However, designing a unified BA method that can be applied to various MIA systems is challenging due to the diversity of imaging modalities (e. g., X-Ray, CT, and MRI) and analysis tasks (e. g., classification, detection, and segmentation).

Tiny-PPG: A Lightweight Deep Neural Network for Real-Time Detection of Motion Artifacts in Photoplethysmogram Signals on Edge Devices

sztu-wearable/tiny-ppg 5 May 2023

Therefore, this study provides an effective solution for resource-constraint IoT smart health devices in PPG artifact detection.

Reference-based Restoration of Digitized Analog Videotapes

miccunifi/tape 20 Oct 2023

We design a transformer-based Swin-UNet network that exploits both neighboring and reference frames via our Multi-Reference Spatial Feature Fusion (MRSFF) blocks.

Unsupervised Motion Artifact Detection in Wrist-Measured Electrodermal Activity Data

IdeasLabUT/EDA-Artifact-Detection 26 Jul 2017

In this paper, we demonstrate that unsupervised learning algorithms perform competitively with supervised algorithms for detecting MAs on EDA data collected in both a lab-based setting and a real-world setting comprising about 23 hours of data.

Intracerebral EEG Artifact Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

xnejed07/NoiseDetectionCNN Neuroinformatics 2018

We show that the proposed technique can be used as a generalized model for iEEG artifact detection.

Automating Artifact Detection in Video Games

AMD-RIPS/ST-2019 30 Nov 2020

Based on a sample of representative screen corruption examples, the model was able to identify 10 of the most commonly occurring screen artifacts with reasonable accuracy.

Automatic Flare Spot Artifact Detection and Removal in Photographs

pvitoria/SpotFlareDetection 7 Mar 2021

Flare spot is one type of flare artifact caused by a number of conditions, frequently provoked by one or more high-luminance sources within or close to the camera field of view.

A Practical Guide to Logical Access Voice Presentation Attack Detection

nii-yamagishilab/project-NN-Pytorch-scripts 10 Jan 2022

Presentation attack detection (PAD) for ASV, or speech anti-spoofing, is therefore indispensable.