Behavioural cloning

12 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

A Divergence Minimization Perspective on Imitation Learning Methods

KamyarGh/rl_swiss 6 Nov 2019

We present $f$-MAX, an $f$-divergence generalization of AIRL [Fu et al., 2018], a state-of-the-art IRL method.

Augmented Behavioral Cloning from Observation

NathanGavenski/ABCO 28 Apr 2020

Imitation from observation is a computational technique that teaches an agent on how to mimic the behavior of an expert by observing only the sequence of states from the expert demonstrations.

Imitating Unknown Policies via Exploration

NathanGavenski/IUPE 13 Aug 2020

Behavioral cloning is an imitation learning technique that teaches an agent how to behave through expert demonstrations.

Counter-Strike Deathmatch with Large-Scale Behavioural Cloning

TeaPearce/Counter-Strike_Behavioural_Cloning 9 Apr 2021

This paper describes an AI agent that plays the popular first-person-shooter (FPS) video game `Counter-Strike; Global Offensive' (CSGO) from pixel input.

Action Advising with Advice Imitation in Deep Reinforcement Learning

ercumentilhan/naive-advice-imitation 17 Apr 2021

Action advising is a peer-to-peer knowledge exchange technique built on the teacher-student paradigm to alleviate the sample inefficiency problem in deep reinforcement learning.

Self-Supervised Adversarial Imitation Learning

nathangavenski/sail 21 Apr 2023

We address this limitation by incorporating a discriminator into the original framework, offering two key advantages and directly solving a learning problem previous work had.

Deep attention networks reveal the rules of collective motion in zebrafish

polavieja_lab/fishandra 13 Sep 2019

When using simulated trajectories, the model recovers the ground-truth interaction rule used to generate them, as well as the number of interacting neighbours.

Benchmarking End-to-End Behavioural Cloning on Video Games

joonaspu/video-game-behavioural-cloning 2 Apr 2020

We take a step towards a general approach and study the general applicability of behavioural cloning on twelve video games, including six modern video games (published after 2010), by using human demonstrations as training data.

Playing Minecraft with Behavioural Cloning

Miffyli/minecraft-bc 7 May 2020

MineRL 2019 competition challenged participants to train sample-efficient agents to play Minecraft, by using a dataset of human gameplay and a limit number of steps the environment.

A Pragmatic Look at Deep Imitation Learning

Kaixhin/imitation-learning 4 Aug 2021

The introduction of the generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) algorithm has spurred the development of scalable imitation learning approaches using deep neural networks.