Camera Calibration

103 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Camera calibration involves estimating camera parameters(including camera intrinsics and extrinsics) to infer geometric features from captured sequences, which is crucial for computer vision and robotics. Driven by different architectures of the neural network, the researchers have developed two main paradigms for learning-based camera calibration and its applications. One is Regression-based Calibration,Reconstruction-based Calibration is another.


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2 papers

Most implemented papers

Improvements to Target-Based 3D LiDAR to Camera Calibration

UMich-BipedLab/extrinsic_lidar_camera_calibration 7 Oct 2019

The homogeneous transformation between a LiDAR and monocular camera is required for sensor fusion tasks, such as SLAM.

SoccerNet 2022 Challenges Results

soccernet/sn-calibration 5 Oct 2022

The SoccerNet 2022 challenges were the second annual video understanding challenges organized by the SoccerNet team.

LiDAR-Camera Calibration using 3D-3D Point correspondences

ankitdhall/lidar_camera_calibration 27 May 2017

With the advent of autonomous vehicles, LiDAR and cameras have become an indispensable combination of sensors.

Kornia: an Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch

kornia/kornia 5 Oct 2019

This work presents Kornia -- an open source computer vision library which consists of a set of differentiable routines and modules to solve generic computer vision problems.

DeepSportradar-v1: Computer Vision Dataset for Sports Understanding with High Quality Annotations

deepsportradar/player-reidentification-challenge 17 Aug 2022

With the recent development of Deep Learning applied to Computer Vision, sport video understanding has gained a lot of attention, providing much richer information for both sport consumers and leagues.

Sports Camera Calibration via Synthetic Data

lood339/SCCvSD 25 Oct 2018

Here we propose a highly automatic method for calibrating sports cameras from a single image using synthetic data.

Leveraging blur information for plenoptic camera calibration

comsee-research/libpleno 9 Nov 2021

This paper presents a novel calibration algorithm for plenoptic cameras, especially the multi-focus configuration, where several types of micro-lenses are used, using raw images only.

Deep Learning for Vanishing Point Detection Using an Inverse Gnomonic Projection

yanconglin/vanishingpoint_houghtransform_gaussiansphere 8 Jul 2017

We present a novel approach for vanishing point detection from uncalibrated monocular images.

Why Having 10,000 Parameters in Your Camera Model is Better Than Twelve

puzzlepaint/camera_calibration 5 Dec 2019

In contrast, generic camera models allow for very accurate calibration due to their flexibility.

PlenoptiCam v1.0: A light-field imaging framework

hahnec/plenopticam 14 Oct 2020

Light-field cameras play a vital role for rich 3-D information retrieval in narrow range depth sensing applications.