Computational Efficiency

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Most implemented papers

Cluster-GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks

google-research/google-research KDD 2019

Furthermore, Cluster-GCN allows us to train much deeper GCN without much time and memory overhead, which leads to improved prediction accuracy---using a 5-layer Cluster-GCN, we achieve state-of-the-art test F1 score 99. 36 on the PPI dataset, while the previous best result was 98. 71 by [16].

A Transformer-based Framework for Multivariate Time Series Representation Learning

gzerveas/mvts_transformer 6 Oct 2020

In this work we propose for the first time a transformer-based framework for unsupervised representation learning of multivariate time series.

Towards Good Practices for Very Deep Two-Stream ConvNets

yjxiong/caffe 8 Jul 2015

However, for action recognition in videos, the improvement of deep convolutional networks is not so evident.

Distribution-Free Predictive Inference For Regression

ryantibs/conformal 14 Apr 2016

In the spirit of reproducibility, all of our empirical results can also be easily (re)generated using this package.

Continual Learning Through Synaptic Intelligence

ganguli-lab/pathint ICML 2017

While deep learning has led to remarkable advances across diverse applications, it struggles in domains where the data distribution changes over the course of learning.

GraphGAN: Graph Representation Learning with Generative Adversarial Nets

hwwang55/GraphGAN 22 Nov 2017

The goal of graph representation learning is to embed each vertex in a graph into a low-dimensional vector space.

Multi-level Wavelet-CNN for Image Restoration

lpj0/MWCNN 18 May 2018

With the modified U-Net architecture, wavelet transform is introduced to reduce the size of feature maps in the contracting subnetwork.

RWKV: Reinventing RNNs for the Transformer Era

BlinkDL/RWKV-LM 22 May 2023

This work presents a significant step towards reconciling trade-offs between computational efficiency and model performance in sequence processing tasks.

DNABERT-2: Efficient Foundation Model and Benchmark For Multi-Species Genome

magics-lab/dnabert_2 26 Jun 2023

Decoding the linguistic intricacies of the genome is a crucial problem in biology, and pre-trained foundational models such as DNABERT and Nucleotide Transformer have made significant strides in this area.

Discovering and Deciphering Relationships Across Disparate Data Modalities

neurodata/mgcpy 16 Sep 2016

Understanding the relationships between different properties of data, such as whether a connectome or genome has information about disease status, is becoming increasingly important in modern biological datasets.