408 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets



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SleepEEGNet: Automated Sleep Stage Scoring with Sequence to Sequence Deep Learning Approach

SajadMo/SleepEEGNet 5 Mar 2019

Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a common base signal used to monitor brain activity and diagnose sleep disorders.

SeizureNet: Multi-Spectral Deep Feature Learning for Seizure Type Classification

IBM/seizure-type-classification-tuh 8 Mar 2019

Automatic classification of epileptic seizure types in electroencephalograms (EEGs) data can enable more precise diagnosis and efficient management of the disease.

Advancing NLP with Cognitive Language Processing Signals

DS3Lab/zuco-nlp 4 Apr 2019

Cognitive language processing data such as eye-tracking features have shown improvements on single NLP tasks.

Transformer-based Spatial-Temporal Feature Learning for EEG Decoding

anranknight/EEG-Transformer 11 Jun 2021

As far as we know, it is the first time that a detailed and complete method based on the transformer idea has been proposed in this field.

EEGEyeNet: a Simultaneous Electroencephalography and Eye-tracking Dataset and Benchmark for Eye Movement Prediction

ardkastrati/eegeyenet 6 Nov 2021

We present a new dataset and benchmark with the goal of advancing research in the intersection of brain activities and eye movements.

Priming Cross-Session Motor Imagery Classification with A Universal Deep Domain Adaptation Framework

miaozhengqing/lmda-code 19 Feb 2022

Compared to the vanilla EEGNet and ConvNet, the proposed SDDA framework was able to boost the MI classification accuracy by 15. 2%, 10. 2% respectively in IIA dataset, and 5. 5%, 4. 2% in IIB dataset.

SzCORE: A Seizure Community Open-source Research Evaluation framework for the validation of EEG-based automated seizure detection algorithms

esl-epfl/sz-validation-framework 20 Feb 2024

Based on existing guidelines and recommendations, the framework introduces a set of recommendations and standards related to datasets, file formats, EEG data input content, seizure annotation input and output, cross-validation strategies, and performance metrics.

An Open-source Toolbox for Analysing and Processing PhysioNet Databases in MATLAB and Octave

MIT-LCP/wfdb-python Journal of Open Research Software 2014

The WaveForm DataBase (WFDB) Toolbox for MATLAB/Octave enables integrated access to PhysioNet's software and databases.

Using Riemannian geometry for SSVEP-based Brain Computer Interface

emmanuelkalunga/Online-SSVEP 14 Jan 2015

Riemannian geometry has been applied to Brain Computer Interface (BCI) for brain signals classification yielding promising results.

Online SSVEP-based BCI using Riemannian geometry

emmanuelkalunga/Online-SSVEP Neurocomputing 2016

We propose a novel algorithm for online and asynchronous processing of brain signals, borrowing principles from semi-unsupervised approaches and following a dynamic stopping scheme to provide a prediction as soon as possible.