
69 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video

facebookresearch/Ego4d CVPR 2022

We introduce Ego4D, a massive-scale egocentric video dataset and benchmark suite.

RAFT: Reward rAnked FineTuning for Generative Foundation Model Alignment

optimalscale/lmflow 13 Apr 2023

Utilizing a reward model and a sufficient number of samples, our approach selects the high-quality samples, discarding those that exhibit undesired behavior, and subsequently enhancing the model by fine-tuning on these filtered samples.

Aligning AI With Shared Human Values

hendrycks/ethics 5 Aug 2020

We show how to assess a language model's knowledge of basic concepts of morality.

Scaling Language Models: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Training Gopher

allenai/dolma NA 2021

Language modelling provides a step towards intelligent communication systems by harnessing large repositories of written human knowledge to better predict and understand the world.

Cross-model Fairness: Empirical Study of Fairness and Ethics Under Model Multiplicity

so-cool/crossmodelfairness 14 Mar 2022

While data-driven predictive models are a strictly technological construct, they may operate within a social context in which benign engineering choices entail implicit, indirect and unexpected real-life consequences.

A SSIM Guided cGAN Architecture For Clinically Driven Generative Image Synthesis of Multiplexed Spatial Proteomics Channels

aauthors131/multiplexed-image-synthesis 20 May 2022

We validate these claims by generating a new experimental spatial proteomics data set from human lung adenocarcinoma tissue sections and show that a model trained on HuBMAP can accurately synthesize channels from our new data set.

AI for Global Climate Cooperation: Modeling Global Climate Negotiations, Agreements, and Long-Term Cooperation in RICE-N

mila-iqia/climate-cooperation-competition 15 Aug 2022

To facilitate this research, here we introduce RICE-N, a multi-region integrated assessment model that simulates the global climate and economy, and which can be used to design and evaluate the strategic outcomes for different negotiation and agreement frameworks.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Ethical Considerations and Assessment Checklist

nliulab/genai-ethics-checklist 2 Nov 2023

The widespread use of ChatGPT and other emerging technology powered by generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has drawn much attention to potential ethical issues, especially in high-stakes applications such as healthcare, but ethical discussions are yet to translate into operationalisable solutions.

Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases

YunjinPark/modu_project 25 Aug 2016

Here we show for the first time that human-like semantic biases result from the application of standard machine learning to ordinary language---the same sort of language humans are exposed to every day.

A Low-Cost Ethics Shaping Approach for Designing Reinforcement Learning Agents

kristery/EthicsShaping 12 Dec 2017

This paper proposes a low-cost, easily realizable strategy to equip a reinforcement learning (RL) agent the capability of behaving ethically.