Fire Detection

12 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Detection of fire using multi-variate time series sensor data.

Most implemented papers

Efficient and Compact Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Non-temporal Real-time Fire Detection

NeelBhowmik/efficient-compact-fire-detection-cnn 17 Oct 2020

Automatic visual fire detection is used to complement traditional fire detection sensor systems (smoke/heat).

BoWFire: Detection of Fire in Still Images by Integrating Pixel Color and Texture Analysis

Lukeli0425/Fire-Detection 10 Jun 2015

Our method uses a reduced number of parameters if compared to previous works, easing the process of fine tuning the method.

Fully Convolutional Variational Autoencoder For Feature Extraction Of Fire Detection System

herminarto/DLCV Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi 2020

This paper proposes a fully convolutional variational autoencoder (VAE) for features extraction from a large-scale dataset of fire images.

Aerial Imagery Pile burn detection using Deep Learning: the FLAME dataset

AlirezaShamsoshoara/Fire-Detection-UAV-Aerial-Image-Classification-Segmentation-UnmannedAerialVehicle 28 Dec 2020

FLAME (Fire Luminosity Airborne-based Machine learning Evaluation) offers a dataset of aerial images of fires along with methods for fire detection and segmentation which can help firefighters and researchers to develop optimal fire management strategies.

Active Fire Detection in Landsat-8 Imagery: a Large-Scale Dataset and a Deep-Learning Study

pereira-gha/activefire 9 Jan 2021

Active fire detection in satellite imagery is of critical importance to the management of environmental conservation policies, supporting decision-making and law enforcement.

Recurrent Trend Predictive Neural Network for Multi-Sensor Fire Detection

mertnakip/Recurrent-Trend-Predictive-Neural-Network IEEE Access 2021

We propose a Recurrent Trend Predictive Neural Network (rTPNN) for multi-sensor fire detection based on the trend as well as level prediction and fusion of sensor readings.

Assessing the Impact of the Loss Function, Architecture and Image Type for Deep Learning-Based Wildfire Segmentation

JorgeFCS/Deep-Learning-fire-segmentation Applied Sciences 2021

However, it is currently unclear whether the architecture of a model, its loss function, or the image type employed (visible, infrared, or fused) has the most impact on the fire segmentation results.

ABANICCO: A New Color Space for Multi-Label Pixel Classification and Color Segmentation

lauranicolass/abanicco 15 Nov 2022

In any computer vision task involving color images, a necessary step is classifying pixels according to color and segmenting the respective areas.

Rapid Deforestation and Burned Area Detection using Deep Multimodal Learning on Satellite Imagery

h2oai/cvpr-multiearth-deforestation-segmentation 10 Jul 2023

Our method successfully achieves high-precision deforestation estimation and burned area detection on unseen images from the region.