gaze redirection

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Most implemented papers

Photo-Realistic Monocular Gaze Redirection Using Generative Adversarial Networks

HzDmS/gaze_redirection ICCV 2019

In this work, we present a novel method to alleviate this problem by leveraging generative adversarial training to synthesize an eye image conditioned on a target gaze direction.

Coarse-to-Fine Gaze Redirection with Numerical and Pictorial Guidance

jingjingchen777/CFGR 7 Apr 2020

In this paper, we propose to alleviate these problems by means of a novel gaze redirection framework which exploits both a numerical and a pictorial direction guidance, jointly with a coarse-to-fine learning strategy.

Controllable Continuous Gaze Redirection

weihaox/InterpGaze 9 Oct 2020

The encoder maps images into a well-disentangled and hierarchically-organized latent space.

CUDA-GHR: Controllable Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Gaze and Head Redirection

jswati31/cuda-ghr 21 Jun 2021

However, adopting such generative models to new domains while maintaining their ability to provide fine-grained control over different image attributes, \eg, gaze and head pose directions, has been a challenging problem.

GazeNeRF: 3D-Aware Gaze Redirection with Neural Radiance Fields

alessandroruzzi/gazenerf CVPR 2023

We propose GazeNeRF, a 3D-aware method for the task of gaze redirection.

Learning Gaze-aware Compositional GAN

naranjuelo/gc-gan 31 May 2024

In this work, we present a generative framework to create annotated gaze data by leveraging the benefits of labeled and unlabeled data sources.