graph construction

159 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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3 papers
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Most implemented papers

Visualizing Large-scale and High-dimensional Data

lferry007/LargeVis 1 Feb 2016

We propose the LargeVis, a technique that first constructs an accurately approximated K-nearest neighbor graph from the data and then layouts the graph in the low-dimensional space.

EFANNA : An Extremely Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm Based on kNN Graph

fc731097343/efanna 23 Sep 2016

In this paper, we propose EFANNA, an extremely fast approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm based on $k$NN Graph.

DyNet: The Dynamic Neural Network Toolkit

clab/dynet 15 Jan 2017

In the static declaration strategy that is used in toolkits like Theano, CNTK, and TensorFlow, the user first defines a computation graph (a symbolic representation of the computation), and then examples are fed into an engine that executes this computation and computes its derivatives.

Two-Stream Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

benedekrozemberczki/pytorch_geometric_temporal CVPR 2019

In addition, the second-order information (the lengths and directions of bones) of the skeleton data, which is naturally more informative and discriminative for action recognition, is rarely investigated in existing methods.

sCAKE: Semantic Connectivity Aware Keyword Extraction

SDuari/sCAKE-and-LAKE 27 Nov 2018

Combination of the proposed graph construction and scoring methods leads to a novel, parameterless keyword extraction method (sCAKE) based on semantic connectivity of words in the document.

Structured Sparse R-CNN for Direct Scene Graph Generation

mcg-nju/structured-sparse-rcnn CVPR 2022

The key to our method is a set of learnable triplet queries and a structured triplet detector which could be jointly optimized from the training set in an end-to-end manner.

Neighborhood and Graph Constructions using Non-Negative Kernel Regression

STAC-USC/PyNNK_graph_construction 21 Oct 2019

Data-driven neighborhood definitions and graph constructions are often used in machine learning and signal processing applications.

X-LoRA: Mixture of Low-Rank Adapter Experts, a Flexible Framework for Large Language Models with Applications in Protein Mechanics and Molecular Design

ericlbuehler/ 11 Feb 2024

Starting with a set of pre-trained LoRA adapters, our gating strategy uses the hidden states to dynamically mix adapted layers, allowing the resulting X-LoRA model to draw upon different capabilities and create never-before-used deep layer-wise combinations to solve tasks.

Learning to Propagate Labels: Transductive Propagation Network for Few-shot Learning

csyanbin/TPN ICLR 2019

The goal of few-shot learning is to learn a classifier that generalizes well even when trained with a limited number of training instances per class.

Robust Graph Learning from Noisy Data

sckangz/RGC 17 Dec 2018

The proposed model is able to boost the performance of data clustering, semisupervised classification, and data recovery significantly, primarily due to two key factors: 1) enhanced low-rank recovery by exploiting the graph smoothness assumption, 2) improved graph construction by exploiting clean data recovered by robust PCA.