Indoor Scene Reconstruction

6 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

End-to-End Optimization of Scene Layout

aluo-x/3D_SLN CVPR 2020

Experiments suggest that our model achieves higher accuracy and diversity in conditional scene synthesis and allows exemplar-based scene generation from various input forms.

Holistic 3D Human and Scene Mesh Estimation from Single View Images

ZZWENG/holistic_mesh CVPR 2021

Indeed, from a single image of a person placed in an indoor scene, we as humans are adept at resolving ambiguities of the human pose and room layout through our knowledge of the physical laws and prior perception of the plausible object and human poses.

SimpleRecon: 3D Reconstruction Without 3D Convolutions

nianticlabs/simplerecon 31 Aug 2022

Traditionally, 3D indoor scene reconstruction from posed images happens in two phases: per-image depth estimation, followed by depth merging and surface reconstruction.

Indoor Scene Reconstruction with Fine-Grained Details Using Hybrid Representation and Normal Prior Enhancement

yec22/fine-grained-indoor-recon 14 Sep 2023

To enhance the normal priors, we introduce a simple yet effective image sharpening and denoising technique, coupled with a network that estimates the pixel-wise uncertainty of the predicted surface normal vectors.

H2O-SDF: Two-phase Learning for 3D Indoor Reconstruction using Object Surface Fields

Domirae/H2O-SDF 13 Feb 2024

Advanced techniques using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), Signed Distance Fields (SDF), and Occupancy Fields have recently emerged as solutions for 3D indoor scene reconstruction.