Instance Segmentation

993 papers with code • 26 benchmarks • 87 datasets

Instance Segmentation is a computer vision task that involves identifying and separating individual objects within an image, including detecting the boundaries of each object and assigning a unique label to each object. The goal of instance segmentation is to produce a pixel-wise segmentation map of the image, where each pixel is assigned to a specific object instance.

Image Credit: Deep Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation with Overlapping BiLayers, CVPR'21


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Most implemented papers

Res2Net: A New Multi-scale Backbone Architecture

rwightman/pytorch-image-models 2 Apr 2019

We evaluate the Res2Net block on all these models and demonstrate consistent performance gains over baseline models on widely-used datasets, e. g., CIFAR-100 and ImageNet.

SOLO: Segmenting Objects by Locations

open-mmlab/mmdetection ECCV 2020

We present a new, embarrassingly simple approach to instance segmentation in images.

Deformable ConvNets v2: More Deformable, Better Results

open-mmlab/mmdetection CVPR 2019

The superior performance of Deformable Convolutional Networks arises from its ability to adapt to the geometric variations of objects.

Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation Approach

MaybeShewill-CV/lanenet-lane-detection 15 Feb 2018

By doing so, we ensure a lane fitting which is robust against road plane changes, unlike existing approaches that rely on a fixed, pre-defined transformation.

High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs

NVIDIA/pix2pixHD CVPR 2018

We present a new method for synthesizing high-resolution photo-realistic images from semantic label maps using conditional generative adversarial networks (conditional GANs).

Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution

microsoft/Swin-Transformer CVPR 2022

Three main techniques are proposed: 1) a residual-post-norm method combined with cosine attention to improve training stability; 2) A log-spaced continuous position bias method to effectively transfer models pre-trained using low-resolution images to downstream tasks with high-resolution inputs; 3) A self-supervised pre-training method, SimMIM, to reduce the needs of vast labeled images.

SOLOv2: Dynamic and Fast Instance Segmentation

WXinlong/SOLO NeurIPS 2020

Importantly, we take one step further by dynamically learning the mask head of the object segmenter such that the mask head is conditioned on the location.

Visual Attention Network

Visual-Attention-Network/VAN-Classification 20 Feb 2022

In this paper, we propose a novel linear attention named large kernel attention (LKA) to enable self-adaptive and long-range correlations in self-attention while avoiding its shortcomings.

Multi-Task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics

yaringal/multi-task-learning-example CVPR 2018

Numerous deep learning applications benefit from multi-task learning with multiple regression and classification objectives.

PointRend: Image Segmentation as Rendering

facebookresearch/detectron2 CVPR 2020

We present a new method for efficient high-quality image segmentation of objects and scenes.