Label Error Detection

7 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Identify labeling errors in data

Most implemented papers

Identifying Incorrect Annotations in Multi-Label Classification Data

cleanlab/cleanlab 25 Nov 2022

In multi-label classification, each example in a dataset may be annotated as belonging to one or more classes (or none of the classes).

WenetSpeech: A 10000+ Hours Multi-domain Mandarin Corpus for Speech Recognition

wenet-e2e/wenetspeech 7 Oct 2021

In this paper, we present WenetSpeech, a multi-domain Mandarin corpus consisting of 10000+ hours high-quality labeled speech, 2400+ hours weakly labeled speech, and about 10000 hours unlabeled speech, with 22400+ hours in total.

Automated Detection of Label Errors in Semantic Segmentation Datasets via Deep Learning and Uncertainty Quantification

mrcoee/automatic-label-error-detection 13 Jul 2022

In this work, we for the first time present a method for detecting label errors in image datasets with semantic segmentation, i. e., pixel-wise class labels.

CTRL: Clustering Training Losses for Label Error Detection

chang-yue/ctrl 17 Aug 2022

We propose a novel framework, called CTRL (Clustering TRaining Losses for label error detection), to detect label errors in multi-class datasets.

The Re-Label Method For Data-Centric Machine Learning

guotong1988/Automatic-Label-Error-Correction 9 Feb 2023

In industry deep learning application, our manually labeled data has a certain number of noisy data.

Identifying Label Errors in Object Detection Datasets by Loss Inspection

mschubert95/identifying_label_errors_in_od 13 Mar 2023

In this work, we for the first time introduce a benchmark for label error detection methods on object detection datasets as well as a label error detection method and a number of baselines.

AQuA: A Benchmarking Tool for Label Quality Assessment

autonlab/aqua NeurIPS 2023

We hope that our proposed design space and benchmark enable practitioners to choose the right tools to improve their label quality and that our benchmark enables objective and rigorous evaluation of machine learning tools facing mislabeled data.