Large Language Model

944 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Llemma: An Open Language Model For Mathematics

eleutherai/gpt-neox 16 Oct 2023

We present Llemma, a large language model for mathematics.

Video-LLaVA: Learning United Visual Representation by Alignment Before Projection

PKU-YuanGroup/Video-LLaVA 16 Nov 2023

In this work, we unify visual representation into the language feature space to advance the foundational LLM towards a unified LVLM.

Raise a Child in Large Language Model: Towards Effective and Generalizable Fine-tuning

alibaba/AliceMind EMNLP 2021

Recent pretrained language models extend from millions to billions of parameters.

Accelerating Large Language Model Decoding with Speculative Sampling

apoorvumang/prompt-lookup-decoding 2 Feb 2023

We present speculative sampling, an algorithm for accelerating transformer decoding by enabling the generation of multiple tokens from each transformer call.

OpenICL: An Open-Source Framework for In-context Learning

shark-nlp/openicl 6 Mar 2023

However, the implementation of ICL is sophisticated due to the diverse retrieval and inference methods involved, as well as the varying pre-processing requirements for different models, datasets, and tasks.

Cost-Effective Hyperparameter Optimization for Large Language Model Generation Inference

microsoft/FLAML 8 Mar 2023

Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked significant interest in their generative capabilities, leading to the development of various commercial applications.

WavCaps: A ChatGPT-Assisted Weakly-Labelled Audio Captioning Dataset for Audio-Language Multimodal Research

xinhaomei/wavcaps 30 Mar 2023

To address this data scarcity issue, we introduce WavCaps, the first large-scale weakly-labelled audio captioning dataset, comprising approximately 400k audio clips with paired captions.

SpecInfer: Accelerating Generative Large Language Model Serving with Tree-based Speculative Inference and Verification

flexflow/flexflow 16 May 2023

Our evaluation shows that SpecInfer outperforms existing LLM serving systems by 1. 5-2. 8x for distributed LLM inference and by 2. 6-3. 5x for offloading-based LLM inference, while preserving the same generative performance.

Hierarchical Prompting Assists Large Language Model on Web Navigation

robert1003/ash-prompting 23 May 2023

Large language models (LLMs) struggle on processing complicated observations in interactive decision making tasks.

MME: A Comprehensive Evaluation Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Models

bradyfu/awesome-multimodal-large-language-models 23 Jun 2023

Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) relies on the powerful LLM to perform multimodal tasks, showing amazing emergent abilities in recent studies, such as writing poems based on an image.