Local Community Detection

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Most implemented papers

Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub CIKM 2018

Considering the complicated and diversified topology structures of real-world networks, it is highly possible that the mapping between the original network and the community membership space contains rather complex hierarchical information, which cannot be interpreted by classic shallow NMF-based approaches.

Generative models for local network community detection

yixuanli/lemon 12 Apr 2018

By assuming that the network is uniform, we can approximate the structure of unobserved parts of the network to obtain a method for local community detection.

Random Walk on Multiple Networks

flyingdoog/rwm 4 Jul 2023

To take advantage of rich information in multiple networks and make better inferences on entities, in this study, we propose random walk on multiple networks, RWM.

LGDE: Local Graph-based Dictionary Expansion

barahona-research-group/LGDE 13 May 2024

Expanding a dictionary of pre-selected keywords is crucial for tasks in information retrieval, such as database query and online data collection.