Medical Image Segmentation

786 papers with code • 45 benchmarks • 44 datasets

Medical Image Segmentation is a computer vision task that involves dividing an medical image into multiple segments, where each segment represents a different object or structure of interest in the image. The goal of medical image segmentation is to provide a precise and accurate representation of the objects of interest within the image, typically for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment planning, and quantitative analysis.

( Image credit: IVD-Net )


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Most implemented papers

UNet++: Redesigning Skip Connections to Exploit Multiscale Features in Image Segmentation

MrGiovanni/UNetPlusPlus 11 Dec 2019

The state-of-the-art models for medical image segmentation are variants of U-Net and fully convolutional networks (FCN).

UNETR: Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation

Project-MONAI/research-contributions 18 Mar 2021

Inspired by the recent success of transformers for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in long-range sequence learning, we reformulate the task of volumetric (3D) medical image segmentation as a sequence-to-sequence prediction problem.

Uncertainty-aware Self-ensembling Model for Semi-supervised 3D Left Atrium Segmentation

yulequan/UA-MT 16 Jul 2019

We design a novel uncertainty-aware scheme to enable the student model to gradually learn from the meaningful and reliable targets by exploiting the uncertainty information.

Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation using Cascaded Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Networks

charan223/Brain-Tumor-Segmentation-using-Topological-Loss 1 Sep 2017

A cascade of fully convolutional neural networks is proposed to segment multi-modal Magnetic Resonance (MR) images with brain tumor into background and three hierarchical regions: whole tumor, tumor core and enhancing tumor core.

A Novel Focal Tversky loss function with improved Attention U-Net for lesion segmentation

nabsabraham/focal-tversky-unet 18 Oct 2018

We propose a generalized focal loss function based on the Tversky index to address the issue of data imbalance in medical image segmentation.

MultiResUNet : Rethinking the U-Net Architecture for Multimodal Biomedical Image Segmentation

nibtehaz/MultiResUNet ScienceDirect 2019

We have compared our proposed architecture MultiResUNet with the classical U-Net on a vast repertoire of multimodal medical images.

ResUNet++: An Advanced Architecture for Medical Image Segmentation

DebeshJha/ResUNetplusplus 16 Nov 2019

Accurate computer-aided polyp detection and segmentation during colonoscopy examinations can help endoscopists resect abnormal tissue and thereby decrease chances of polyps growing into cancer.

UNet 3+: A Full-Scale Connected UNet for Medical Image Segmentation

ZJUGiveLab/UNet-Version 19 Apr 2020

UNet, which is one of deep learning networks with an encoder-decoder architecture, is widely used in medical image segmentation.

Boundary loss for highly unbalanced segmentation

LIVIAETS/surface-loss 17 Dec 2018

We propose a boundary loss, which takes the form of a distance metric on the space of contours, not regions.