Multiple Instance Learning

245 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 8 datasets

Multiple Instance Learning is a type of weakly supervised learning algorithm where training data is arranged in bags, where each bag contains a set of instances $X=\{x_1,x_2, \ldots,x_M\}$, and there is one single label $Y$ per bag, $Y\in\{0, 1\}$ in the case of a binary classification problem. It is assumed that individual labels $y_1, y_2,\ldots, y_M$ exist for the instances within a bag, but they are unknown during training. In the standard Multiple Instance assumption, a bag is considered negative if all its instances are negative. On the other hand, a bag is positive, if at least one instance in the bag is positive.

Source: Monte-Carlo Sampling applied to Multiple Instance Learning for Histological Image Classification


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Most implemented papers

Attention-based Deep Multiple Instance Learning

AMLab-Amsterdam/AttentionDeepMIL ICML 2018

Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a variation of supervised learning where a single class label is assigned to a bag of instances.

Set Transformer: A Framework for Attention-based Permutation-Invariant Neural Networks

juho-lee/set_transformer 1 Oct 2018

Many machine learning tasks such as multiple instance learning, 3D shape recognition, and few-shot image classification are defined on sets of instances.

Real-world Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos

WaqasSultani/AnomalyDetectionCVPR2018 CVPR 2018

To avoid annotating the anomalous segments or clips in training videos, which is very time consuming, we propose to learn anomaly through the deep multiple instance ranking framework by leveraging weakly labeled training videos, i. e. the training labels (anomalous or normal) are at video-level instead of clip-level.

Multiple Instance Detection Network with Online Instance Classifier Refinement

ppengtang/oicr CVPR 2017

We propose a novel online instance classifier refinement algorithm to integrate MIL and the instance classifier refinement procedure into a single deep network, and train the network end-to-end with only image-level supervision, i. e., without object location information.

PCL: Proposal Cluster Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection

ppengtang/oicr 9 Jul 2018

The iterative instance classifier refinement is implemented online using multiple streams in convolutional neural networks, where the first is an MIL network and the others are for instance classifier refinement supervised by the preceding one.

Using Neural Network Formalism to Solve Multiple-Instance Problems

pevnak/Mill.jl 23 Sep 2016

Many objects in the real world are difficult to describe by a single numerical vector of a fixed length, whereas describing them by a set of vectors is more natural.

CAMEL: A Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Histopathology Image Segmentation

ThoroughImages/CAMEL ICCV 2019

In this research, we propose CAMEL, a weakly supervised learning framework for histopathology image segmentation using only image-level labels.

Multiple Anchor Learning for Visual Object Detection

KevinKecc/MAL CVPR 2020

In this paper, we propose a Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) approach that selects anchors and jointly optimizes the two modules of a CNN-based object detector.

Weakly-supervised Video Anomaly Detection with Robust Temporal Feature Magnitude Learning

tianyu0207/RTFM ICCV 2021

To address this issue, we introduce a novel and theoretically sound method, named Robust Temporal Feature Magnitude learning (RTFM), which trains a feature magnitude learning function to effectively recognise the positive instances, substantially improving the robustness of the MIL approach to the negative instances from abnormal videos.

TransMIL: Transformer based Correlated Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification

szc19990412/TransMIL NeurIPS 2021

Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a powerful tool to solve the weakly supervised classification in whole slide image (WSI) based pathology diagnosis.