Supervised Video Summarization

8 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Supervised video summarization rely on datasets with human-labeled ground-truth annotations (either in the form of video summaries, as in the case of the SumMe dataset, or in the form of frame-level importance scores, as in the case of the TVSum dataset), based on which they try to discover the underlying criterion for video frame/fragment selection and video summarization.

Source: Video Summarization Using Deep Neural Networks: A Survey

Most implemented papers

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Unsupervised Video Summarization with Diversity-Representativeness Reward

KaiyangZhou/vsumm-reinforce 29 Dec 2017

Video summarization aims to facilitate large-scale video browsing by producing short, concise summaries that are diverse and representative of original videos.

Test-Time Training with Self-Supervision for Generalization under Distribution Shifts

yueatsprograms/ttt_cifar_release 29 Sep 2019

In this paper, we propose Test-Time Training, a general approach for improving the performance of predictive models when training and test data come from different distributions.

Supervised Video Summarization via Multiple Feature Sets with Parallel Attention

TIBHannover/MSVA 23 Apr 2021

The proposed architecture utilizes an attention mechanism before fusing motion features and features representing the (static) visual content, i. e., derived from an image classification model.

Align and Attend: Multimodal Summarization with Dual Contrastive Losses

boheumd/A2Summ CVPR 2023

The goal of multimodal summarization is to extract the most important information from different modalities to form output summaries.

Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Video Summarization

wildoctopus/SADNet 24 Nov 2018

The proposed variance loss allows a network to predict output scores for each frame with high discrepancy which enables effective feature learning and significantly improves model performance.

DSNet: A Flexible Detect-to-Summarize Network for Video Summarization

li-plus/DSNet 1 Dec 2020

In this paper, we propose a Detect-to-Summarize network (DSNet) framework for supervised video summarization.

CSTA: CNN-based Spatiotemporal Attention for Video Summarization

thswodnjs3/CSTA 20 May 2024

Video summarization aims to generate a concise representation of a video, capturing its essential content and key moments while reducing its overall length.