Text-to-Video Editing

4 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

FateZero: Fusing Attentions for Zero-shot Text-based Video Editing

chenyangqiqi/fatezero ICCV 2023

We also have a better zero-shot shape-aware editing ability based on the text-to-video model.

ControlVideo: Conditional Control for One-shot Text-driven Video Editing and Beyond

thu-ml/controlvideo 26 May 2023

This paper presents \emph{ControlVideo} for text-driven video editing -- generating a video that aligns with a given text while preserving the structure of the source video.

Gen-L-Video: Multi-Text to Long Video Generation via Temporal Co-Denoising

g-u-n/gen-l-video 29 May 2023

To address this challenge, we introduce a novel paradigm dubbed as Gen-L-Video, capable of extending off-the-shelf short video diffusion models for generating and editing videos comprising hundreds of frames with diverse semantic segments without introducing additional training, all while preserving content consistency.

Contextualized Diffusion Models for Text-Guided Image and Video Generation

yangling0818/contextdiff 26 Feb 2024

To address this issue, we propose a novel and general contextualized diffusion model (ContextDiff) by incorporating the cross-modal context encompassing interactions and alignments between text condition and visual sample into forward and reverse processes.