Tumour Classification

9 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Integrated Multi-omics Analysis Using Variational Autoencoders: Application to Pan-cancer Classification

zhangxiaoyu11/OmiVAE 17 Aug 2019

The training procedure of OmiVAE is comprised of an unsupervised phase without the classifier and a supervised phase with the classifier.

Dense Steerable Filter CNNs for Exploiting Rotational Symmetry in Histology Images

simongraham/dsf-cnn 6 Apr 2020

Histology images are inherently symmetric under rotation, where each orientation is equally as likely to appear.

XOmiVAE: an interpretable deep learning model for cancer classification using high-dimensional omics data

zhangxiaoyu11/XOmiVAE 26 May 2021

To the best of our knowledge, XOmiVAE is one of the first activation level-based interpretable deep learning models explaining novel clusters generated by VAE.

Classification of Brain Tumours in MR Images using Deep Spatiospatial Models

farazahmeds/Classification-of-brain-tumor-using-Spatiotemporal-models 28 May 2021

Finally, Pre-trained ResNet Mixed Convolution was observed to be the best model in these experiments, achieving a macro F1-score of 0. 93 and a test accuracy of 96. 98\%, while at the same time being the model with the least computational cost.

Weakly-supervised segmentation using inherently-explainable classification models and their application to brain tumour classification

soumickmj/GPModels 10 Jun 2022

The models are trained by using the input image and only the classification labels as ground-truth in a supervised fashion - without using any information about the location of the region of interest (i. e. the segmentation labels), making the segmentation training of the models weakly-supervised through classification labels.

Complex Network for Complex Problems: A comparative study of CNN and Complex-valued CNN

soumickmj/pytorch-complex 9 Feb 2023

Although some comparisons of CNNs and CV-CNNs for different tasks have been performed in the past, a large-scale investigation comparing different models operating on different tasks has not been conducted.

Genetic Analysis of Prostate Cancer with Computer Science Methods

zcablii/master_cancer_project 28 Mar 2023

Metastatic prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men.

Deep Learning Approaches to Osteosarcoma Diagnosis and Classification: A Comparative Methodological Approach

ivezakis/dl-osteo-2023 Cancers 2023

Methods: This study used publicly available images of osteosarcoma cross-sections to analyze and compare the performance of state-of-the-art deep neural networks for histopathological evaluation of osteosarcomas.