Search Results for author: Louis Martin

Found 17 papers, 12 papers with code

Towards Safety and Helpfulness Balanced Responses via Controllable Large Language Models

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Yi-Lin Tuan, Xilun Chen, Eric Michael Smith, Louis Martin, Soumya Batra, Asli Celikyilmaz, William Yang Wang, Daniel M. Bikel

As large language models (LLMs) become easily accessible nowadays, the trade-off between safety and helpfulness can significantly impact user experience.

Effective Long-Context Scaling of Foundation Models

2 code implementations27 Sep 2023 Wenhan Xiong, Jingyu Liu, Igor Molybog, Hejia Zhang, Prajjwal Bhargava, Rui Hou, Louis Martin, Rashi Rungta, Karthik Abinav Sankararaman, Barlas Oguz, Madian Khabsa, Han Fang, Yashar Mehdad, Sharan Narang, Kshitiz Malik, Angela Fan, Shruti Bhosale, Sergey Edunov, Mike Lewis, Sinong Wang, Hao Ma

We also examine the impact of various design choices in the pretraining process, including the data mix and the training curriculum of sequence lengths -- our ablation experiments suggest that having abundant long texts in the pretrain dataset is not the key to achieving strong performance, and we empirically verify that long context continual pretraining is more efficient and similarly effective compared to pretraining from scratch with long sequences.

Continual Pretraining Language Modelling

Code Llama: Open Foundation Models for Code

2 code implementations24 Aug 2023 Baptiste Rozière, Jonas Gehring, Fabian Gloeckle, Sten Sootla, Itai Gat, Xiaoqing Ellen Tan, Yossi Adi, Jingyu Liu, Romain Sauvestre, Tal Remez, Jérémy Rapin, Artyom Kozhevnikov, Ivan Evtimov, Joanna Bitton, Manish Bhatt, Cristian Canton Ferrer, Aaron Grattafiori, Wenhan Xiong, Alexandre Défossez, Jade Copet, Faisal Azhar, Hugo Touvron, Louis Martin, Nicolas Usunier, Thomas Scialom, Gabriel Synnaeve

We release Code Llama, a family of large language models for code based on Llama 2 providing state-of-the-art performance among open models, infilling capabilities, support for large input contexts, and zero-shot instruction following ability for programming tasks.

16k Code Generation +1

Multilingual End to End Entity Linking

1 code implementation15 Jun 2023 Mikhail Plekhanov, Nora Kassner, Kashyap Popat, Louis Martin, Simone Merello, Borislav Kozlovskii, Frédéric A. Dreyer, Nicola Cancedda

Entity Linking is one of the most common Natural Language Processing tasks in practical applications, but so far efficient end-to-end solutions with multilingual coverage have been lacking, leading to complex model stacks.

Entity Linking

Polar Ducks and Where to Find Them: Enhancing Entity Linking with Duck Typing and Polar Box Embeddings

no code implementations19 May 2023 Mattia Atzeni, Mikhail Plekhanov, Frédéric A. Dreyer, Nora Kassner, Simone Merello, Louis Martin, Nicola Cancedda

Inspired by duck typing in programming languages, we propose to define the type of an entity based on the relations that it has with other entities in a knowledge graph.

Entity Disambiguation Entity Linking +1

Entity Tagging: Extracting Entities in Text Without Mention Supervision

1 code implementation13 Sep 2022 Christina Du, Kashyap Popat, Louis Martin, Fabio Petroni

Detection and disambiguation of all entities in text is a crucial task for a wide range of applications.

Entity Linking

Efficient Large Scale Language Modeling with Mixtures of Experts

no code implementations20 Dec 2021 Mikel Artetxe, Shruti Bhosale, Naman Goyal, Todor Mihaylov, Myle Ott, Sam Shleifer, Xi Victoria Lin, Jingfei Du, Srinivasan Iyer, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Giri Anantharaman, Xian Li, Shuohui Chen, Halil Akin, Mandeep Baines, Louis Martin, Xing Zhou, Punit Singh Koura, Brian O'Horo, Jeff Wang, Luke Zettlemoyer, Mona Diab, Zornitsa Kozareva, Ves Stoyanov

This paper presents a detailed empirical study of how autoregressive MoE language models scale in comparison with dense models in a wide range of settings: in- and out-of-domain language modeling, zero- and few-shot priming, and full-shot fine-tuning.

Language Modelling

Rethinking Automatic Evaluation in Sentence Simplification

2 code implementations15 Apr 2021 Thomas Scialom, Louis Martin, Jacopo Staiano, Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Benoît Sagot

In the context of Sentence Simplification, this is particularly challenging: the task requires by nature to replace complex words with simpler ones that shares the same meaning.

Machine Translation Sentence +1

Les mod\`eles de langue contextuels Camembert pour le fran\ccais : impact de la taille et de l'h\'et\'erog\'en\'eit\'e des donn\'ees d'entrainement (C AMEM BERT Contextual Language Models for French: Impact of Training Data Size and Heterogeneity )

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2020 Louis Martin, Benjamin Muller, Pedro Javier Ortiz Su{\'a}rez, Yoann Dupont, Laurent Romary, {\'E}ric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Beno{\^\i}t Sagot, Djam{\'e} Seddah

L{'}utilisation pratique de ces mod{\`e}les {---} dans toutes les langues sauf l{'}anglais {---} {\'e}tait donc limit{\'e}e. La sortie r{\'e}cente de plusieurs mod{\`e}les monolingues fond{\'e}s sur BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), notamment pour le fran{\c{c}}ais, a d{\'e}montr{\'e} l{'}int{\'e}r{\^e}t de ces mod{\`e}les en am{\'e}liorant l{'}{\'e}tat de l{'}art pour toutes les t{\^a}ches {\'e}valu{\'e}es.


MUSS: Multilingual Unsupervised Sentence Simplification by Mining Paraphrases

1 code implementation LREC 2022 Louis Martin, Angela Fan, Éric de la Clergerie, Antoine Bordes, Benoît Sagot

Progress in sentence simplification has been hindered by a lack of labeled parallel simplification data, particularly in languages other than English.

Parallel Corpus Mining Sentence +1

ASSET: A Dataset for Tuning and Evaluation of Sentence Simplification Models with Multiple Rewriting Transformations

1 code implementation ACL 2020 Fernando Alva-Manchego, Louis Martin, Antoine Bordes, Carolina Scarton, Benoît Sagot, Lucia Specia

Furthermore, we motivate the need for developing better methods for automatic evaluation using ASSET, since we show that current popular metrics may not be suitable when multiple simplification transformations are performed.


Controllable Sentence Simplification

2 code implementations LREC 2020 Louis Martin, Benoît Sagot, Éric de la Clergerie, Antoine Bordes

Text simplification aims at making a text easier to read and understand by simplifying grammar and structure while keeping the underlying information identical.

Sentence Text Simplification

EASSE: Easier Automatic Sentence Simplification Evaluation

1 code implementation IJCNLP 2019 Fernando Alva-Manchego, Louis Martin, Carolina Scarton, Lucia Specia

We introduce EASSE, a Python package aiming to facilitate and standardise automatic evaluation and comparison of Sentence Simplification (SS) systems.


Reference-less Quality Estimation of Text Simplification Systems

1 code implementation WS 2018 Louis Martin, Samuel Humeau, Pierre-Emmanuel Mazaré, Antoine Bordes, Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Benoît Sagot

We show that n-gram-based MT metrics such as BLEU and METEOR correlate the most with human judgment of grammaticality and meaning preservation, whereas simplicity is best evaluated by basic length-based metrics.

Machine Translation Sentence +2

ELMoLex: Connecting ELMo and Lexicon Features for Dependency Parsing

no code implementations CONLL 2018 Ganesh Jawahar, Benjamin Muller, Amal Fethi, Louis Martin, {\'E}ric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Beno{\^\i}t Sagot, Djam{\'e} Seddah

We augment the deep Biaffine (BiAF) parser (Dozat and Manning, 2016) with novel features to perform competitively: we utilize an indomain version of ELMo features (Peters et al., 2018) which provide context-dependent word representations; we utilize disambiguated, embedded, morphosyntactic features from lexicons (Sagot, 2018), which complements the existing feature set.

Dependency Parsing Language Modelling

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