Search Results for author: Eunho Yang

Found 95 papers, 35 papers with code

Does it Really Generalize Well on Unseen Data? Systematic Evaluation of Relational Triple Extraction Methods

no code implementations NAACL 2022 Juhyuk Lee, Min-Joong Lee, June Yong Yang, Eunho Yang

To keep a knowledge graph up-to-date, an extractor needs not only the ability to recall the triples it encountered during training, but also the ability to extract the new triples from the context that it has never seen before.

Knowledge Graphs Memorization

PruNeRF: Segment-Centric Dataset Pruning via 3D Spatial Consistency

no code implementations2 Jun 2024 Yeonsung Jung, Heecheol Yun, Joonhyung Park, Jin-Hwa Kim, Eunho Yang

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have shown remarkable performance in learning 3D scenes.

Unleashing the Potential of Text-attributed Graphs: Automatic Relation Decomposition via Large Language Models

no code implementations28 May 2024 Hyunjin Seo, Taewon Kim, June Yong Yang, Eunho Yang

Recent advancements in text-attributed graphs (TAGs) have significantly improved the quality of node features by using the textual modeling capabilities of language models.

Node Classification Relation +1

Data-Efficient Unsupervised Interpolation Without Any Intermediate Frame for 4D Medical Images

1 code implementation1 Apr 2024 Jungeun Kim, Hangyul Yoon, Geondo Park, KyungSu Kim, Eunho Yang

4D medical images, which represent 3D images with temporal information, are crucial in clinical practice for capturing dynamic changes and monitoring long-term disease progression.

3D Video Frame Interpolation Medical Image Generation +1

No Token Left Behind: Reliable KV Cache Compression via Importance-Aware Mixed Precision Quantization

no code implementations28 Feb 2024 June Yong Yang, Byeongwook Kim, Jeongin Bae, Beomseok Kwon, Gunho Park, Eunho Yang, Se Jung Kwon, Dongsoo Lee

Key-Value (KV) Caching has become an essential technique for accelerating the inference speed and throughput of generative Large Language Models~(LLMs).


PromptKD: Distilling Student-Friendly Knowledge for Generative Language Models via Prompt Tuning

no code implementations20 Feb 2024 Gyeongman Kim, Doohyuk Jang, Eunho Yang

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have raised concerns about inference costs, increasing the need for research into model compression.

Instruction Following Knowledge Distillation +1

TEDDY: Trimming Edges with Degree-based Discrimination strategY

1 code implementation2 Feb 2024 Hyunjin Seo, Jihun Yun, Eunho Yang

Since the pioneering work on the lottery ticket hypothesis for graph neural networks (GNNs) was proposed in Chen et al. (2021), the study on finding graph lottery tickets (GLT) has become one of the pivotal focus in the GNN community, inspiring researchers to discover sparser GLT while achieving comparable performance to original dense networks.

PC-Adapter: Topology-Aware Adapter for Efficient Domain Adaption on Point Clouds with Rectified Pseudo-label

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Joonhyung Park, Hyunjin Seo, Eunho Yang

Understanding point clouds captured from the real-world is challenging due to shifts in data distribution caused by varying object scales, sensor angles, and self-occlusion.

Domain Adaptation Pseudo Label +1

Face-StyleSpeech: Improved Face-to-Voice latent mapping for Natural Zero-shot Speech Synthesis from a Face Image

no code implementations25 Sep 2023 Minki Kang, Wooseok Han, Eunho Yang

The prosody encoder is specifically designed to model prosodic features that are not captured only with a face image, allowing the face encoder to focus solely on capturing the speaker identity from the face image.

Speech Synthesis

BackTrack: Robust template update via Backward Tracking of candidate template

no code implementations21 Aug 2023 Dongwook Lee, Wonjun Choi, Seohyung Lee, ByungIn Yoo, Eunho Yang, Seongju Hwang

An effective method to tackle these challenges is template update, which updates the template to reflect the change of appearance in the target object during tracking.

Visual Object Tracking

SGEM: Test-Time Adaptation for Automatic Speech Recognition via Sequential-Level Generalized Entropy Minimization

1 code implementation3 Jun 2023 Changhun Kim, Joonhyung Park, Hajin Shim, Eunho Yang

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) models are frequently exposed to data distribution shifts in many real-world scenarios, leading to erroneous predictions.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

ZET-Speech: Zero-shot adaptive Emotion-controllable Text-to-Speech Synthesis with Diffusion and Style-based Models

no code implementations23 May 2023 Minki Kang, Wooseok Han, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

Emotional Text-To-Speech (TTS) is an important task in the development of systems (e. g., human-like dialogue agents) that require natural and emotional speech.

Speech Synthesis Text-To-Speech Synthesis

Learning Input-agnostic Manipulation Directions in StyleGAN with Text Guidance

1 code implementation26 Feb 2023 Yoonjeon Kim, Hyunsu Kim, Junho Kim, Yunjey Choi, Eunho Yang

With the advantages of fast inference and human-friendly flexible manipulation, image-agnostic style manipulation via text guidance enables new applications that were not previously available.


BiasAdv: Bias-Adversarial Augmentation for Model Debiasing

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Jongin Lim, Youngdong Kim, Byungjai Kim, Chanho Ahn, Jinwoo Shin, Eunho Yang, Seungju Han

Our key idea is that an adversarial attack on a biased model that makes decisions based on spurious correlations may generate synthetic bias-conflicting samples, which can then be used as augmented training data for learning a debiased model.

Adversarial Attack Data Augmentation

Diffusion Video Autoencoders: Toward Temporally Consistent Face Video Editing via Disentangled Video Encoding

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Gyeongman Kim, Hajin Shim, Hyunsu Kim, Yunjey Choi, Junho Kim, Eunho Yang

Inspired by the impressive performance of recent face image editing methods, several studies have been naturally proposed to extend these methods to the face video editing task.

Video Editing

Scale-invariant Bayesian Neural Networks with Connectivity Tangent Kernel

no code implementations30 Sep 2022 Sungyub Kim, Sihwan Park, KyungSu Kim, Eunho Yang

Explaining generalizations and preventing over-confident predictions are central goals of studies on the loss landscape of neural networks.

Generalization Bounds

Towards the Practical Utility of Federated Learning in the Medical Domain

1 code implementation7 Jul 2022 Seongjun Yang, Hyeonji Hwang, Daeyoung Kim, Radhika Dua, Jong-Yeup Kim, Eunho Yang, Edward Choi

We evaluate six FL algorithms designed for addressing data heterogeneity among clients, and a hybrid algorithm combining the strengths of two representative FL algorithms.

Federated Learning

TAM: Topology-Aware Margin Loss for Class-Imbalanced Node Classification

1 code implementation26 Jun 2022 Jaeyun Song, Joonhyung Park, Eunho Yang

Learning unbiased node representations under class-imbalanced graph data is challenging due to interactions between adjacent nodes.

Node Classification

Saliency Grafting: Innocuous Attribution-Guided Mixup with Calibrated Label Mixing

no code implementations16 Dec 2021 Joonhyung Park, June Yong Yang, Jinwoo Shin, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

However, they now suffer from lack of sample diversification as they always deterministically select regions with maximum saliency, injecting bias into the augmented data.

Fighting Fire with Fire: Contrastive Debiasing without Bias-free Data via Generative Bias-transformation

no code implementations2 Dec 2021 Yeonsung Jung, Hajin Shim, June Yong Yang, Eunho Yang

Deep neural networks (DNNs), despite their impressive ability to generalize over-capacity networks, often rely heavily on malignant bias as shortcuts instead of task-related information for discriminative tasks.

Contrastive Learning Translation

Adaptive Proximal Gradient Methods for Structured Neural Networks

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Jihun Yun, Aurelie C. Lozano, Eunho Yang

We consider the training of structured neural networks where the regularizer can be non-smooth and possibly non-convex.


Unbiased Classification through Bias-Contrastive and Bias-Balanced Learning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Youngkyu Hong, Eunho Yang

In such a biased dataset, models are susceptible to making predictions based on the biased features of the data.

Classification Contrastive Learning

Graph Transplant: Node Saliency-Guided Graph Mixup with Local Structure Preservation

no code implementations10 Nov 2021 Joonhyung Park, Hajin Shim, Eunho Yang

Graph-structured datasets usually have irregular graph sizes and connectivities, rendering the use of recent data augmentation techniques, such as Mixup, difficult.

Data Augmentation Graph Classification

Online Hyperparameter Meta-Learning with Hypergradient Distillation

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Hae Beom Lee, Hayeon Lee, Jaewoong Shin, Eunho Yang, Timothy Hospedales, Sung Ju Hwang

Many gradient-based meta-learning methods assume a set of parameters that do not participate in inner-optimization, which can be considered as hyperparameters.

Hyperparameter Optimization Knowledge Distillation +1

Stop just recalling memorized relations: Extracting Unseen Relational Triples from the context

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Juhyuk Lee, Min-Joong Lee, June Yong Yang, Eunho Yang

In this paper, we show that although existing extraction models are able to memorize and recall already seen triples, they cannot generalize effectively for unseen triples.

Knowledge Graphs Memorization

Task Conditioned Stochastic Subsampling

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Andreis Bruno, Seanie Lee, A. Tuan Nguyen, Juho Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Deep Learning algorithms are designed to operate on huge volumes of high dimensional data such as images.

Image Classification Image Reconstruction

GraphENS: Neighbor-Aware Ego Network Synthesis for Class-Imbalanced Node Classification

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Joonhyung Park, Jaeyun Song, Eunho Yang

In many real-world node classification scenarios, nodes are highly class-imbalanced, where graph neural networks (GNNs) can be readily biased to major class instances.

Blocking Classification +1

Model-augmented Prioritized Experience Replay

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Youngmin Oh, Jinwoo Shin, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Experience replay is an essential component in off-policy model-free reinforcement learning (MfRL).

Bias Decay Matters : Improving Large Batch Optimization with Connectivity Sharpness

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Sungyub Kim, Sihwan Park, Yong-Deok Kim, Eunho Yang

To mitigate this issue, we propose simple bias decay methods including a novel adaptive one and found that this simple remedy can fill a large portion of the performance gaps that occur in large batch optimization.

Distilling Linguistic Context for Language Model Compression

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Geondo Park, Gyeongman Kim, Eunho Yang

A computationally expensive and memory intensive neural network lies behind the recent success of language representation learning.

Knowledge Distillation Language Modelling +3

Cluster-Promoting Quantization with Bit-Drop for Minimizing Network Quantization Loss

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Jung Hyun Lee, Jihun Yun, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

Network quantization, which aims to reduce the bit-lengths of the network weights and activations, has emerged for their deployments to resource-limited devices.


FedMix: Approximation of Mixup under Mean Augmented Federated Learning

1 code implementation ICLR 2021 Tehrim Yoon, Sumin Shin, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

Federated learning (FL) allows edge devices to collectively learn a model without directly sharing data within each device, thus preserving privacy and eliminating the need to store data globally.

Data Augmentation Federated Learning

Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation

2 code implementations6 Jun 2021 Dongchan Min, Dong Bok Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

In this work, we propose StyleSpeech, a new TTS model which not only synthesizes high-quality speech but also effectively adapts to new speakers.

Online Coreset Selection for Rehearsal-based Continual Learning

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Jaehong Yoon, Divyam Madaan, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

We validate the effectiveness of our coreset selection mechanism over various standard, imbalanced, and noisy datasets against strong continual learning baselines, demonstrating that it improves task adaptation and prevents catastrophic forgetting in a sample-efficient manner.

Continual Learning

RetCL: A Selection-based Approach for Retrosynthesis via Contrastive Learning

no code implementations3 May 2021 Hankook Lee, Sungsoo Ahn, Seung-Woo Seo, You Young Song, Eunho Yang, Sung-Ju Hwang, Jinwoo Shin

Retrosynthesis, of which the goal is to find a set of reactants for synthesizing a target product, is an emerging research area of deep learning.

Contrastive Learning Retrosynthesis

Mutually-Constrained Monotonic Multihead Attention for Online ASR

no code implementations26 Mar 2021 Jaeyun Song, Hajin Shim, Eunho Yang

Despite the feature of real-time decoding, Monotonic Multihead Attention (MMA) shows comparable performance to the state-of-the-art offline methods in machine translation and automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

Model-Augmented Q-learning

no code implementations7 Feb 2021 Youngmin Oh, Jinwoo Shin, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

We show that the proposed scheme, called Model-augmented $Q$-learning (MQL), obtains a policy-invariant solution which is identical to the solution obtained by learning with true reward.


Rapid Neural Pruning for Novel Datasets with Set-based Task-Adaptive Meta-Pruning

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Minyoung Song, Jaehong Yoon, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

As deep neural networks are growing in size and being increasingly deployed to more resource-limited devices, there has been a recent surge of interest in network pruning methods, which aim to remove less important weights or activations of a given network.

Cloud Computing Network Pruning

Semi-Relaxed Quantization with DropBits: Training Low-Bit Neural Networks via Bitwise Regularization

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Jung Hyun Lee, Jihun Yun, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

As a natural extension of DropBits, we further introduce the way of learning heterogeneous quantization levels to find proper bit-length for each layer using DropBits.


Contextual Knowledge Distillation for Transformer Compression

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Geondo Park, Gyeongman Kim, Eunho Yang

A computationally expensive and memory intensive neural network lies behind the recent success of language representation learning.

Knowledge Distillation Language Modelling +2

Attribution Preservation in Network Compression for Reliable Network Interpretation

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Geondo Park, June Yong Yang, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

Neural networks embedded in safety-sensitive applications such as self-driving cars and wearable health monitors rely on two important techniques: input attribution for hindsight analysis and network compression to reduce its size for edge-computing.

Edge-computing Network Interpretation +1

Neural Complexity Measures

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Yoonho Lee, Juho Lee, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang, Seungjin Choi

While various complexity measures for deep neural networks exist, specifying an appropriate measure capable of predicting and explaining generalization in deep networks has proven challenging.

Meta-Learning regression

Bootstrapping Neural Processes

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Juho Lee, Yoonho Lee, Jungtaek Kim, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang, Yee Whye Teh

While this "data-driven" way of learning stochastic processes has proven to handle various types of data, NPs still rely on an assumption that uncertainty in stochastic processes is modeled by a single latent variable, which potentially limits the flexibility.

Few-shot Visual Reasoning with Meta-analogical Contrastive Learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Youngsung Kim, Jinwoo Shin, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

While humans can solve a visual puzzle that requires logical reasoning by observing only few samples, it would require training over large amount of data for state-of-the-art deep reasoning models to obtain similar performance on the same task.

Contrastive Learning Logical Reasoning +1

Time-Reversal Symmetric ODE Network

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 In Huh, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang, Jinwoo Shin

Time-reversal symmetry, which requires that the dynamics of a system should not change with the reversal of time axis, is a fundamental property that frequently holds in classical and quantum mechanics.

Distribution Aligning Refinery of Pseudo-label for Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Jaehyung Kim, Youngbum Hur, Sejun Park, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang, Jinwoo Shin

While semi-supervised learning (SSL) has proven to be a promising way for leveraging unlabeled data when labeled data is scarce, the existing SSL algorithms typically assume that training class distributions are balanced.

Pseudo Label

A General Family of Stochastic Proximal Gradient Methods for Deep Learning

no code implementations15 Jul 2020 Jihun Yun, Aurelie C. Lozano, Eunho Yang

We propose a unified framework for stochastic proximal gradient descent, which we term ProxGen, that allows for arbitrary positive preconditioners and lower semi-continuous regularizers.


Learning to Sample with Local and Global Contexts in Experience Replay Buffer

no code implementations ICLR 2021 Youngmin Oh, Kimin Lee, Jinwoo Shin, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Experience replay, which enables the agents to remember and reuse experience from the past, has played a significant role in the success of off-policy reinforcement learning (RL).

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Compressed Sensing via Measurement-Conditional Generative Models

no code implementations2 Jul 2020 Kyung-Su Kim, Jung Hyun Lee, Eunho Yang

A pre-trained generator has been frequently adopted in compressed sensing (CS) due to its ability to effectively estimate signals with the prior of NNs.

A Revision of Neural Tangent Kernel-based Approaches for Neural Networks

no code implementations2 Jul 2020 Kyung-Su Kim, Aurélie C. Lozano, Eunho Yang

(2) A generalization error bound invariant of network size was derived by using a data-dependent complexity measure (CMD).

Few-Shot Learning Learning Theory

Set Based Stochastic Subsampling

no code implementations25 Jun 2020 Bruno Andreis, Seanie Lee, A. Tuan Nguyen, Juho Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Deep models are designed to operate on huge volumes of high dimensional data such as images.

feature selection Image Classification +2

Clinical Risk Prediction with Temporal Probabilistic Asymmetric Multi-Task Learning

2 code implementations23 Jun 2020 A. Tuan Nguyen, Hyewon Jeong, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Existing asymmetric multi-task learning methods tackle this negative transfer problem by performing knowledge transfer from tasks with low loss to tasks with high loss.

Knowledge Graphs Multi-Task Learning +2

Federated Semi-Supervised Learning with Inter-Client Consistency & Disjoint Learning

1 code implementation ICLR 2021 Wonyong Jeong, Jaehong Yoon, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Through extensive experimental validation of our method in the two different scenarios, we show that our method outperforms both local semi-supervised learning and baselines which naively combine federated learning with semi-supervised learning.

Federated Learning

Rapid Structural Pruning of Neural Networks with Set-based Task-Adaptive Meta-Pruning

no code implementations22 Jun 2020 Minyoung Song, Jaehong Yoon, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

As deep neural networks are growing in size and being increasingly deployed to more resource-limited devices, there has been a recent surge of interest in network pruning methods, which aim to remove less important weights or activations of a given network.

Cloud Computing Network Pruning

Meta Dropout: Learning to Perturb Latent Features for Generalization

2 code implementations ICLR 2020 Hae Beom Lee, Taewook Nam, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Specifically, we meta-learn a noise generator which outputs a multiplicative noise distribution for latent features, to obtain low errors on the test instances in an input-dependent manner.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Meta-Learning

Federated Continual Learning with Weighted Inter-client Transfer

1 code implementation6 Mar 2020 Jaehong Yoon, Wonyong Jeong, Giwoong Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

There has been a surge of interest in continual learning and federated learning, both of which are important in deep neural networks in real-world scenarios.

Continual Learning Federated Learning +1

Semi-Relaxed Quantization with DropBits: Training Low-Bit Neural Networks via Bit-wise Regularization

no code implementations29 Nov 2019 Jung Hyun Lee, Jihun Yun, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

As a natural extension of DropBits, we further introduce the way of learning heterogeneous quantization levels to find proper bit-length for each layer using DropBits.


Temporal Probabilistic Asymmetric Multi-task Learning

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Nguyen Anh Tuan, Hyewon Jeong, Eunho Yang, Sungju Hwang

To capture such dynamically changing asymmetric relationships between tasks and long-range temporal dependencies in time-series data, we propose a novel temporal asymmetric multi-task learning model, which learns to combine features from other tasks at diverse timesteps for the prediction of each task.

Multi-Task Learning Time Series +1

Reliable Estimation of Individual Treatment Effect with Causal Information Bottleneck

no code implementations7 Jun 2019 Sungyub Kim, Yongsu Baek, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

We also introduce an additional form of a regularizer from the perspective of understanding ITE in the semi-supervised learning framework to ensure more reliable representations.

Causal Inference

Why Not to Use Zero Imputation? Correcting Sparsity Bias in Training Neural Networks

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Joonyoung Yi, Juhyuk Lee, Kwang Joon Kim, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

Among many approaches, the simplest and most intuitive way is zero imputation, which treats the value of a missing entry simply as zero.

Collaborative Filtering Imputation

Learning to Balance: Bayesian Meta-Learning for Imbalanced and Out-of-distribution Tasks

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Hae Beom Lee, Hayeon Lee, Donghyun Na, Saehoon Kim, Minseop Park, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

While tasks could come with varying the number of instances and classes in realistic settings, the existing meta-learning approaches for few-shot classification assume that the number of instances per task and class is fixed.

Bayesian Inference Meta-Learning +1

Meta Dropout: Learning to Perturb Features for Generalization

1 code implementation30 May 2019 Hae Beom Lee, Taewook Nam, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Specifically, we meta-learn a noise generator which outputs a multiplicative noise distribution for latent features, to obtain low errors on the test instances in an input-dependent manner.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Meta-Learning

Stochastic Gradient Methods with Block Diagonal Matrix Adaptation

no code implementations26 May 2019 Jihun Yun, Aurelie C. Lozano, Eunho Yang

Extensive experiments reveal that block-diagonal approaches achieve state-of-the-art results on several deep learning tasks, and can outperform adaptive diagonal methods, vanilla Sgd, as well as a modified version of full-matrix adaptation proposed very recently.

Spectral Approximate Inference

no code implementations14 May 2019 Sejun Park, Eunho Yang, Se-Young Yun, Jinwoo Shin

Our contribution is two-fold: (a) we first propose a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for approximating the partition function of GM associating with a low-rank coupling matrix; (b) for general high-rank GMs, we design a spectral mean-field scheme utilizing (a) as a subroutine, where it approximates a high-rank GM into a product of rank-1 GMs for an efficient approximation of the partition function.

Scalable and Order-robust Continual Learning with Additive Parameter Decomposition

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Jaehong Yoon, Saehoon Kim, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

First, a continual learning model should effectively handle catastrophic forgetting and be efficient to train even with a large number of tasks.

Continual Learning Fairness +1

Joint Active Feature Acquisition and Classification with Variable-Size Set Encoding

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Hajin Shim, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

We consider the problem of active feature acquisition where the goal is to sequentially select the subset of features in order to achieve the maximum prediction performance in the most cost-effective way at test time.

General Classification


no code implementations27 Sep 2018 Juho Lee, Saehoon Kim, Jaehong Yoon, Hae Beom Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

With such input-independent dropout, each neuron is evolved to be generic across inputs, which makes it difficult to sparsify networks without accuracy loss.

Deep Mixed Effect Model using Gaussian Processes: A Personalized and Reliable Prediction for Healthcare

2 code implementations5 Jun 2018 Ingyo Chung, Saehoon Kim, Juho Lee, Kwang Joon Kim, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

We present a personalized and reliable prediction model for healthcare, which can provide individually tailored medical services such as diagnosis, disease treatment, and prevention.

Gaussian Processes Time Series +1

Adaptive Network Sparsification with Dependent Variational Beta-Bernoulli Dropout

1 code implementation28 May 2018 Juho Lee, Saehoon Kim, Jaehong Yoon, Hae Beom Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

With such input-independent dropout, each neuron is evolved to be generic across inputs, which makes it difficult to sparsify networks without accuracy loss.

DropMax: Adaptive Stochastic Softmax

no code implementations ICLR 2018 Hae Beom Lee, Juho Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Moreover, the learning of dropout probabilities for non-target classes on each instance allows the classifier to focus more on classification against the most confusing classes.

Classification General Classification +1

DropMax: Adaptive Variational Softmax

4 code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Hae Beom Lee, Juho Lee, Saehoon Kim, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

Moreover, the learning of dropout rates for non-target classes on each instance allows the classifier to focus more on classification against the most confusing classes.

Classification General Classification +1

Why Pay More When You Can Pay Less: A Joint Learning Framework for Active Feature Acquisition and Classification

no code implementations18 Sep 2017 Hajin Shim, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang

We consider the problem of active feature acquisition, where we sequentially select the subset of features in order to achieve the maximum prediction performance in the most cost-effective way.

General Classification Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Lifelong Learning with Dynamically Expandable Networks

3 code implementations ICLR 2018 Jaehong Yoon, Eunho Yang, Jeongtae Lee, Sung Ju Hwang

We propose a novel deep network architecture for lifelong learning which we refer to as Dynamically Expandable Network (DEN), that can dynamically decide its network capacity as it trains on a sequence of tasks, to learn a compact overlapping knowledge sharing structure among tasks.

Deep Asymmetric Multi-task Feature Learning

1 code implementation ICML 2018 Hae Beom Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

We propose Deep Asymmetric Multitask Feature Learning (Deep-AMTFL) which can learn deep representations shared across multiple tasks while effectively preventing negative transfer that may happen in the feature sharing process.

Image Classification Transfer Learning

Sparse + Group-Sparse Dirty Models: Statistical Guarantees without Unreasonable Conditions and a Case for Non-Convexity

no code implementations ICML 2017 Eunho Yang, Aurélie C. Lozano

Imposing sparse + group-sparse superposition structures in high-dimensional parameter estimation is known to provide flexible regularization that is more realistic for many real-world problems.

Multi-Task Learning Specificity

Ordinal Graphical Models: A Tale of Two Approaches

no code implementations ICML 2017 Arun Sai Suggala, Eunho Yang, Pradeep Ravikumar

While there have been some work on tractable approximations, these do not come with strong statistical guarantees, and moreover are relatively computationally expensive.

Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Learning task structure via sparsity grouped multitask learning

1 code implementation13 May 2017 Meghana Kshirsagar, Eunho Yang, Aurélie C. Lozano

We further demonstrate that our proposed method recovers groups and the sparsity patterns in the task parameters accurately by extensive experiments.

feature selection Sparse Learning

Sequential Local Learning for Latent Graphical Models

no code implementations12 Mar 2017 Sejun Park, Eunho Yang, Jinwoo Shin

Learning parameters of latent graphical models (GM) is inherently much harder than that of no-latent ones since the latent variables make the corresponding log-likelihood non-concave.

Novel Concepts

A Review of Multivariate Distributions for Count Data Derived from the Poisson Distribution

1 code implementation31 Aug 2016 David I. Inouye, Eunho Yang, Genevera I. Allen, Pradeep Ravikumar

The Poisson distribution has been widely studied and used for modeling univariate count-valued data.

Elementary Estimators for Graphical Models

no code implementations NeurIPS 2014 Eunho Yang, Aurelie C. Lozano, Pradeep K. Ravikumar

We propose a class of closed-form estimators for sparsity-structured graphical models, expressed as exponential family distributions, under high-dimensional settings.

A General Framework for Mixed Graphical Models

no code implementations2 Nov 2014 Eunho Yang, Pradeep Ravikumar, Genevera I. Allen, Yulia Baker, Ying-Wooi Wan, Zhandong Liu

"Mixed Data" comprising a large number of heterogeneous variables (e. g. count, binary, continuous, skewed continuous, among other data types) are prevalent in varied areas such as genomics and proteomics, imaging genetics, national security, social networking, and Internet advertising.

Conditional Random Fields via Univariate Exponential Families

no code implementations NeurIPS 2013 Eunho Yang, Pradeep K. Ravikumar, Genevera I. Allen, Zhandong Liu

We thus introduce a “novel subclass of CRFs”, derived by imposing node-wise conditional distributions of response variables conditioned on the rest of the responses and the covariates as arising from univariate exponential families.

Dirty Statistical Models

no code implementations NeurIPS 2013 Eunho Yang, Pradeep K. Ravikumar

We provide a unified framework for the high-dimensional analysis of “superposition-structured” or “dirty” statistical models: where the model parameters are a “superposition” of structurally constrained parameters.


On Poisson Graphical Models

no code implementations NeurIPS 2013 Eunho Yang, Pradeep K. Ravikumar, Genevera I. Allen, Zhandong Liu

Undirected graphical models, such as Gaussian graphical models, Ising, and multinomial/categorical graphical models, are widely used in a variety of applications for modeling distributions over a large number of variables.


On Graphical Models via Univariate Exponential Family Distributions

no code implementations17 Jan 2013 Eunho Yang, Pradeep Ravikumar, Genevera I. Allen, Zhandong Liu

Undirected graphical models, or Markov networks, are a popular class of statistical models, used in a wide variety of applications.

Graphical Models via Generalized Linear Models

no code implementations NeurIPS 2012 Eunho Yang, Genevera Allen, Zhandong Liu, Pradeep K. Ravikumar

Our models allow one to estimate networks for a wide class of exponential distributions, such as the Poisson, negative binomial, and exponential, by fitting penalized GLMs to select the neighborhood for each node.

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